Canva’s Guy Kawasaki on Learning to Become Remarkable

On this episode of Redefining Work, I’m joined by Guy Kawasaki, chief evangelist at Canva and author of “Think Remarkable,” among other books. Guy has been at the forefront of technology for decades, and provides a fascinating perspective on the technology landscape today. In this conversation, we go deep into the revolutionary significance of generative AI (including how he uses it in his daily life), how growth and grit are the keys to being remarkable, and so much more.

Guy has accomplished a lot in his career, from working as a software evangelist for Apple to taking his own advice and starting a Macintosh database company, to serving as an advisor or ambassador for dozens of businesses. 

But admittedly, he says, his reasons for working so hard in his career were distinctly unremarkable. “What motivated me when I was a young kid was I don't want to live in a place where you get robbed on the bus, and I want to drive a Porsche,” he says. Guy tells that story to illustrate an important point: “It doesn't matter how you got motivated, only that you got motivated,” Guy says. 

Join us to see the world from Guy's innovative perspective, and gain valuable guidance on preparing for an unpredictable future and making a positive difference through your work.

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Embrace AI as a Learning Opportunity

Guy has a strong perspective on the importance of embracing new technologies, and firmly believes AI is an even bigger game changer than previous transformative innovations. “AI is a bigger deal than the personal computer — maybe the Industrial Revolution,” he says. Guy backs up his bold statement by pointing out how quickly tools like ChatGPT became accessible and were adopted by normal people in their daily lives. 

Guy leads by example and actively uses AI tools in his own work on a daily basis, in a number of different applications. “I use it as a research assistant. So it helps me find examples,” he says. “It helped me find Julia Child as an example of someone who made a big career shift from being a [spy] to being a chef. I never would have known that without ChatGPT.”

Whether it's assisting with writing, research or customer service tasks, Guy advocates learning how to leverage the latest technologies in practical, hands-on ways. He warns that failing to adopt these tools could seriously hinder your career. “If you don't, you are going to be hurting and you are going to be so far behind,” he says. “You have got to do that.”

Pursue Growth and Grit

Guy firmly believes that we’re all called to be remarkable people. “I define ‘remarkable’ as making a difference and making the world a better place,” he says. To truly impact others at this level, Guy believes continuous learning, improvement, and taking on challenges is essential. Developing a growth mindset and grit is a core part of becoming a remarkable person. 

Guy draws from the research of psychologists to illustrate his point. “If you want to be remarkable, you have to have a growth mindset,” he says, citing the work of Carol Dweck. “You have to believe that you can change, you can learn new skills.” 

But you can’t embrace growth without determination and grit, he says, referencing the research of Angela Duckworth. “If you want to grow, guess what? Growing is hard,” he says. “I mean, by definition, if you're growing, you're pushing the edge, and so you need grit.” He acknowledges that developing grit requires persevering through difficulties, not just easy successes.

By continuously challenging yourself to grow and push boundaries, you can achieve remarkable impact at work.

Unleash Your Creative Mind

Guy has developed a reputation for his creative and innovative uses of AI in both his professional and personal life. 

One unique application Guy created is “KawasakiGPT,” an AI model trained on all his writings that can answer questions and provide information as if it were the real Guy Kawasaki. “Now when people ask me for forwards or blurbs or guest essays, guess where Guy goes as his starting point?” he says. “He goes to KawasakiGPT, and he asks himself the question as a first pass.” 

Guy also suggests more creative uses of new tools, like responding to customer reviews with poetry generated by AI. “You're a small business owner, you're a restaurant owner, and you're responding to Yelp reviews with poetry and rap, and I gotta believe that … it'll set you apart from other people,” he says.

Guy’s hands-on, experimentative approach sets an inspiring example for leveraging AI in new ways beyond just theoretical discussion.


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