Redefining Work Podcast

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Boost Your “Uptime”: How to Identify Your Most Productive Hours (and Avoid Burnout)

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Hey everyone, welcome back to Redefining Work! I’m Lars Schmidt, and if you’re as obsessed with the balance between productivity and impact as I am, you're in for a treat today. On this episode, we’ve got the brilliant Laura Mae Martin, Executive Productivity Advisor at Google and the author of Uptime: A Practical Guide for Personal Productivity and Well-being.

Now, I know what you're thinking: productivity advice? Haven’t we heard it all? Well, Laura brings a fresh take that’s less about crossing things off lists and more about matching your actions to your intentions, which, honestly, kind of blew my mind.

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What Does "Productivity" Really Mean?

One of the lightbulb moments during our chat was Laura’s definition of productivity. She put it like this:

"I like to describe productivity as when your intention matches your action."

Let that sink in for a second. We tend to think of productivity as a grind, a hustle, checking off task after task. But Laura flipped that notion on its head by recounting a day spent…watching TV. Seriously. And she called it one of her most productive days. Why? Because she intended to relax, and she did exactly that. Her point? Productivity isn’t just about output. It’s about aligning what you want to do with what you actually do. That’s a game-changer.

From Side Hustle to Full-Time Gig

Now, let’s talk career paths because Laura’s is pretty inspiring. She didn’t start at Google in her current role; she began in sales. But she had a knack for organizing her workflow and productivity hacks. What started as a side project, where she spent 20% of her time creating productivity strategies, eventually turned into a full-time gig because, as Laura put it, “the need and excitement for it was there.”

Her journey is a perfect reminder that passion projects aren’t just hobbies—they can evolve into real opportunities if you nurture them. So, if you've got something you're passionate about, don’t sleep on it!

Tackling the Email Monster

Ah, email—the productivity kryptonite for so many of us. Laura shared her three-step approach to managing it, and trust me, it’s gold. First, eliminate the noise. Second, highlight the critical stuff. And third, treat your inbox like laundry. Yep, laundry! You wouldn’t fold each sock the minute it’s out of the dryer, would you? So, batch it! Sort it, fold it, and tackle it all at once.

What Is "Uptime" Anyway?

Laura’s book title, Uptime, might make you think she’s all about being constantly “on.” But it’s more nuanced than that. As she explained, "uptime" refers to when you're operating at your best—when you’re in the zone and productive. But here’s the kicker: uptime also requires downtime. It’s about managing your energy so you don’t burn out. Knowing when to push and when to rest is key to long-term productivity.

Taming the To-Do List Beast

We all have to-do lists, but let’s be honest: sometimes they do more harm than good, right? Laura gets that. She’s created a system she calls “the list funnel,” where tasks are prioritized based on deadlines, personal commitments, and whether they’re even possible to do that day. No more stressing over things you know you’re not going to touch until Friday.

The Friendly Shark Approach to Saying No

One of my favorite parts of our conversation? Laura’s advice on saying no. She calls it the “friendly shark” mentality: be kind but firm when it comes to protecting your time. It’s not about being harsh, but about being clear with your boundaries. Whether that’s offering alternatives or just being upfront about your bandwidth, it’s a skill we all need to master.

Striving for Work-Life Harmony

And finally, let’s talk balance—because who doesn’t need more of that? For Laura, it’s not about achieving some perfect work-life split. It’s about creating routines that promote well-being. One of her go-tos is something she calls "Laura 30," where she takes 30 minutes for herself every morning. She’s also a big fan of “No Tech Tuesdays” with her family. The key takeaway? Balance isn’t about having it all figured out; it’s about building habits that make you feel grounded.

Key Takeaways From the Episode

  • Align Intention with Action: Productivity isn’t just about doing more. It’s about doing what matters.

  • Tame Your Inbox: Treat it like laundry. Sort, fold, and tackle it in batches.

  • Maximize Your Uptime: Know when you're most productive, and embrace downtime to avoid burnout.

  • Make To-Do Lists Work for You: Prioritize tasks realistically so they don’t stress you out.

  • Master the Art of Saying No: Protect your time by setting boundaries—politely but firmly.

  • Cultivate Work-Life Harmony: Build routines that support both your professional life and personal well-being.

Trust me, this conversation will make you rethink how you approach productivity. Be sure to listen to the full episode for even more insights, and don’t forget to check out Laura’s book Uptime for practical tips that you can start using today!